Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Are you ready for the next installment of "These chickens are driving me crazy!"?

Alright, so, it really isn't funny - I'm just trying to keep smiling.  Crockett, my big Ameraucana rooster is very kind but the "big house" is his and he's a strong boy.  This winter he allowed Duncan, my very feisty Salmon Faverolles/Cream Legbar cross rooster, and his girl, to stay in the big house.  Spring officially has sprung today in my backyard.  The roosters have gone mad!

I came home from work and looked out the back window to find Duncan chasing Crockett, and they were going really slow.  My first thought was "how weird, usually Crockett is the one who chases Duncan off" - then my focus sharpened, I dropped everything and barely got my boots on before running outside.  It was a death match - they were both covered in blood!

I don't know who started it, and even though Duncan was the one doing the chasing, he was the one who was just drenched in his own blood.  I separated them by slamming the rake on the ground near them.  That chased Duncan away and gave Crockett a chance to get away.  They were both whooped.

It took me a while walking around Duncan to wear him out further, to a point where I could grab his tail - that's the easiest way to catch chickens, kinda like grabbing a girl's pony tail.  
Anyway, that little monster was a mess, he still is.  I took him inside and put him in the medium dog crate (I have a Cochin in the large one right now - that's another story but she's fine).  I got his bleeding to stop, for the most part, wiping him down with a wet wash rag.  Then I sprayed him down with Vetericyn spray gel.  I think he probably looks worse than he is.   

Crockett seems to be just fine.  All the blood on him appears to be from Duncan.  His face may be a little puffy, maybe.  I'll check them over again in the morning.

I moved all the fencing (the kids in the big yard have about a half acre fenced to explore, I don't trust them to be completely free - but they're not wanting for space, that's for sure).  I split the yard in two.  When Duncan is healed, he'll go back into his old house and I'll just keep adjusting from there.

Never a dull moment.

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