Monday, February 22, 2016


This has happened once before....I should have known better...  

Tubby is blind in one eye and gets spooked occasionally.  This type of fencing is dangerous for "special needs" chickens.  Granted, this is a bad example of the fence - it's not this droopy (this is an old picture before the fence was adjusted).

Today I came home from work and saw my Silkie outside the fence, hanging out in the front yard, I figured she just wiggled under the fence.  I went in the house and put my stuff down.  Then I's awful quiet out there, something is wrong.  As soon as I stepped onto the back porch I saw my rooster, Tubby, laying on the ground.  One wing was outstretched and his feet were hanging, tangled in the fence. Tubbs is my favorite boy, he his my special boy, my heart.

I rushed over and looked down at him "Tubby??"  He raised his head and made a little noise.  "I got you boy, hold on."  The fence was tangled around his feet, toes, ankles, and spurs.  I have no idea how long he'd been there.  I quickly freed him, scooped him up, hugging him and took him into the house.  He was fine.  Thank God!  

Tubby had been a completely free roaming chicken but, with his partial blindness and a bit of, well I think I want to call it dementia, he needs a fenced in area.  We just put him in this fenced area over the weekend and it only had about 10 feet of the the white fencing, temporarily - the rest is the green, plastic garden fence.  I will now move the green fencing and make the yard a smidge smaller till I can get more of the green.

Tubbs is in the house tonight, all fed and watered and comfy, cozy.  I brought Arabella back in to keep him company - she loves him.  I love my Tubby.

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