Saturday, December 5, 2015


Poor Veldi.  She's alright, just a little stressed.  Brought her inside for some R&R and extra attention.

These Barnevelders seem to be quite sensitive and gentle; and a young excited rooster can just depress them.  Comb and wattles are nice and bright, no crop or egg issues, no bugs, just depression it seems.  She's getting her regular organic layer mash with BOSS and oats, and accented with some cayenne pepper, meal worms, spinach and arugula.  Water is alternated with electrolytes and ACV.  She's eating and drinking well.

Going to attempt to integrate her with Tubby's crew, they're a little more laid back.  Her sister is still in with Crockett's crew and seems just fine.  There used to be three of them, but the other one passed away from, what I can only guess as, rooster fright.  That was back when Crockett was young and coming up.  Duncan and Golly are the issue now.  

The rest of the girls aren't having any problems at all - in fact my Columbian Wyandottes, Welsummer, and RIR give those young roosters what for!.  It's only Veldi and my sweet rooster, Kilwillie, who are being picked on.  So, Veldi is hanging out in hospital for a few days, just to boost her system.  I'll take her outside again at dinner time and let her free range with Tubby's crew.  

All's good.  

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have to give props to one of my Cream Legbars. When I had Veldi out tonight, the dominant Cream Legbar, Cicely, jumped on Veldi and started pecking her. Quickly, one of the other Cream Legbars knocked Cicely off and whopped her! I'm impressed - she "saved" Veldi. Those Cream Legbars are usually feisty in general.
