Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Tonight, Pidgie and I had a pretty good conversation.  I found her roosting up in a tree.  I know why she was there.  

Crockett has been her main squeeze since the start, but there are three other roosters in the mix now; only one of those is active with the girls, the other two I don't think are "allowed" - looks that way anyway because Duncan keeps them in line.  Out of all the hens, Pidgie is the favorite of both Crockett and Duncan.  Whenever Duncan goes after Pidgie, Crockett and two of the older girls (those that rule the roost) knock Duncan away.  But Crockett and the two older girls aren't always around, and Pidgie is getting worn out from running away from Duncan.

So when I found Pidgie this evening, I scooped her up and took her for a walk.  Then we went over to Tubby's yard, I thought I'd see if she'd like to start living over there.  She was ok, but she really wanted to be back with Crockett.  Soon she was sitting with me again and we talked about what she might like to do.  She suggested getting rid of Duncan.  Well, I really didn't want to do that, so we talked some more.  We decided to split Crockett's yard in two.  But that leaves the three young roosters and their one sister in a yard together - I'm not sure Miss Lexie will do well with that situation eventually.  They haven't bothered her to date, maybe because they grew up together and have a house together, I don't know.

I spent an hour moving fencing.  Duncan, Kilwillie, MollyGolly, and Lexie now have their own yard.  We'll see how that goes tomorrow.  I'd like to get Lexie out of there and have her start living at Crockett's house but, she's perfectly content with her brothers, for the moment.  One day at a time.

If I knew of good homes for two of those gorgeous roosters I might consider rehoming them.  But, I guess I'll just have to raise a few more pullets in the Spring so the boys have their own family.  I'll just keep shifting and rearranging till everyone is happy.  Duncan's not going to be happy tomorrow - I can just hear him now!

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