Friday, March 8, 2013


I try to always bring a little special treat out to the chickens at morning and night.  This winter I've been bringing them a hot bowl of "cereal" in the morning, since there are only four girls left after the December massacre (a neighbor dog played with them to death when I wasn't around).  The cereal is some of their organic feed and I add sunflower seeds (BOSS - black oil sunflower seeds), cracked corn, whole oats, and a tablespoon of honey - pour hot water over and stir!  I leave it thick so they can easily scoop it up.  They LOVE it!  At night they'll go into the coop on their own, as they should, but I like to

get them in a little earlier so I can talk with them and see that they are doing well - and the easiest way to "trick" them into the coop is the magic baggie: BOSS, cracked corn, and mealworms (freeze dried).  They don't really care about the cracked corn but in the winter I try to get them to eat some because, supposedly, it keeps them warm - them buggers keep warm anyway, they're pretty hardy!  

They are totally CRAZY about BOSS and mealworms.  When I'm not paying attention, the Golden Buffs (Buffies) will jump nearly two feet in the air to grab the baggie out of my hand, like I said they're crazy!  I keep the treats to a minimum - they don't need treats but I guess it makes me think they love me more for it ;)

In the summer I just toss them some BOSS as they come out of the coop in the morning and hand feed them BOSS once they've settled in for the evening.  During hot spells I drop frozen, unsweetened berries into their water - they loves that :)  And they also get various fruits and vegetables tossed about through the year.  

They're free range so they get all the food they need - it's funny when I catch sight of them slurp up a worm, it is gone so quick you can't blink.  And although I would never personally sacrifice a poor grasshopper or cricket, it's enjoyable to watch as my red headed nephew goes on bug roundup and hand feeds the chickens with what he catches!

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