MORINGA - for Life

Saturday, February 23, 2013


I always “push” Spring!  After Christmas I get tired of Winter, real quick.  I love and appreciate all the seasons, and am glad I live where I CAN experience them.  But Spring, Spring is my absolute favorite!.  So, I “push” Spring.

I started my “push” this year with six different flowers on the windowsill:
  Liliput Zinnias, Dwarf Zinnias, Dianthus, Chamomile, Johnny Jump-Ups, and Nasturtiums.  The Liliputs were the only seeds that didn’t come up – they were pretty old tho.  I’ll tell you what, new green life brightens any cloudy day!  I love watching them grow.

The Nasturtiums were the ones I didn’t think I should do indoors, but, oh well.  And now I need to put them into a bigger pot.  So, that's what I'll do today, then place them on the middle of the kitchen table  - there’s a big window right there so they should get plenty of light.

The next ones to get potted out are going to be the Zinnias, but they should be ok for another week, I think!  They don’t get very big but I’ll still need to re-pot them.

I chose the above mentioned flowers because I wanted to start some small plants for the purpose of fairy gardening (which I delved into last fall).  At the end of last September, I invited a few people over and helped them create indoor dish gardens - I love to bring out the imagination in people!  We had soooo much fun!!!  I wonder if their gardens attracted any fairies yet :)?  My giant kitten destroyed my garden – so, no fairies here :(.

People who couldn’t come to that party and those who saw pics of the finished gardens got really excited.  Now, LOTS of people want to come and do their own.  So, that’s why I’ve started some small plants.  I hope they’ll grow nicely – would like to use them in a few months.  We’ll see!

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”    Roald Dahl

Moringa Oleifera Seeds

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