Saturday, September 3, 2016

All Chickens Outside

Finally – everyone is back outside. 

Lexi has been inside for a long time, likely a whole month before Olivia.  I brought her in to give her a break from Duncan and the twins.  They were entirely too much for her and her back feathers were not growing back in.

Olivia came inside in mid-July because a raccoon had torn her side.  I read that it could take six months to heal.  It’s been less than two months and she’s perfect!  What darling angels these girls are.  They adored life in a people house, caged or not, they loved it!  I miss them inside.

A couple days ago I started taking them back outside into Golly’s yard – that’s actually the flock that Olivia belongs to.  Olivia would run and hide, cowering and get picked on.  Lexi would stay near me, I’d walk a little further away and she’d run to me, wanting me to pick her up.  I didn’t.  She kept one foot on my boot and leaned into my leg.  I pet her and reassured her.  I only let them out for about an hour each day, while I supervised.  Yesterday was the first day I left them out all day, unsupervised.  And last night Olivia went right into the coop and found a spot.  I had to put Lexi in because she had never been in that coop.  Hopefully tonight will go smoother.

Molting chickens all in for the night :)
They are fine.  Lexi even bullies some of the other girls.  Olivia is still skitterish, but she’s found her friends and hangs with them.

God, I love chickens ~ thank you, Creator!  How did I ever live without these entertaining, intelligent, independent, beautiful birds?

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