Wednesday, December 23, 2015

BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT a chicken mama ;)

Penny is a jet black Ameraucana/Marans mix.  Her feathers also have a gorgeous green irridescent sheen.  We knew she was a mix from the start - we got her out of a bargain bin and, boy is she a GREAT bargain!  As a chick, along with her fluffy cheeks, she also had black feathered legs.  Everyone thought she was a Black Copper Marans but I knew she was Ameraucana as well.  As she grew it was very obvious her face was getting a definite beard and muff, I was thrilled with this "Ameraucana" - but I kept forgetting about those feathered legs.  Until today.....

Penny laid her first egg today! I was stunned - it took me a second to figure out what I was looking at.  It is a perfect medium/deep OLIVE egg!  Then I remembered those feathered legs ;)

Not only am I happy that Penny has started laying but I'm thrilled with the surprise color.  That's because olive was the egg color I was hoping for when I bought my blue egg laying Cream Legbars to mate with my brown egg gene Salmon Faverolles rooster.  (After getting two boys out of that first try - I don't think I'm trying again.  And that was disappointing - not my boys, just that I wouldn't have olive egged girls - granted, those eggs would have been lighter than this one).  So - Penny's egg is very special to me.  I cannot tell you how excited and happy I am!

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