Saturday, August 22, 2015


UPDATE (091415):  Molly is now MollyGolly, a boy!

I really like having my hens hatch eggs, it's so cool when the little surprises break out of their shell here at home.  Hatching eggs from my "kids" is fun but, there is one drawback over buying never know what you're gonna get - boy or girl.  Ugh...I guess that's part of the surprise.

This year three out of the 5 eggs hatched.  I knew one, within the first couple weeks, was for sure a boy because his parents are the same breed and the coloring between male and female is drastically different.  The other two have the same father as the boy but a different breed mother - I had no idea what to expect.

Later on, it was clear that one of the two mystery genders was indeed a boy - there was no denying his neck feathering, colors, and stature.  The other appeared to be a girl....until today.

Over the past few days I've been questioning Molly.  This morning I felt that little weight of disappointment down in my gut.  Molly's neck feathers seemed longer and thinner shaped, tail a bit curved - and was that some iridescent green I saw on one?  Then my eye was drawn to her wing.  The wing has longer, stark white feathers reaching backward with a covering of black feathers (yeah, that's her father's wing color - not a trait of the mother).  The picture above isn't the greatest but, it's kinda good because, at first glance, she really looks like a SHE - :)

You know I'm hoping I'm wrong but, I'm not going to kid myself, this morning Molly definitely looks like a boy.

Duncan (Molly's full brother) is the only one who is crowing, he started a few weeks back.  Still waiting for Kilwillie to crow.  Hoping Molly doesn't crow - LOL!  Oh well, I'll love her/him just as much.  What's one more rooster??  As long as they all get along it'll be fine - fingers crossed!

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