Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Every now and then we'll get a BIG egg from one, or another, of the girls.  Don't know who, but it's a Wyandotte egg (Blue Laced Red or Columbian).  I usually surprise one of my customers with it but today, I decided I wanted it ~ I'd never kept one for myself before.  It was awesome!

The three eggs in the photo below are in an attempt to show size difference.  Just doesn't do justice.  The white one weighed Medium, the dark one weighed Large, and the light brown one weighed.....see next photo, as it weighed OFF THE CHARTS!  LOL!  Needless to say, it was a double yolker.  Way cool :)

Make sure you check out this article: "7 Reasons You Need to Eat More Eggs" - it's a good one!!

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