Friday, November 21, 2014


Tomorrow begins a new adventure in chickendom.  I'll be bringing home three grown chickens; a Polish, an Appenzeller Spitzhauben, and a Silkie.  These are not the type of chickens I would have normally purchased; not because I don't think they're pretty, but because I'm afraid of them - LOL.  But I really wanted them.  Actually, I'm just afraid of the Polish and the Silkie - I can't see their eyes and I'm scared they're too fragile.  I've read that I can trim their feathers, I hate to do that but I also hate that, maybe, they can't see well enough.  Since I normally let my chickens roam free (within very large fenced areas) I think I'll definitely have to have those two penned in all the time. I might integrate the Spitzhauben with Tubby's crew though - I thought she'd look nice with the Cream Legbars.  Excited for tomorrow!

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