MORINGA - for Life

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Oh my new birdies are soooo beautiful!  When you raise chickens up from babies you just kinda get used to them being beautiful as they grow.  But to be given full grown chickens, the beauty is shocking!  I love these girls :) <3 :)  Their names are: Laela (Silver Laced Polish), Gherdie (Appenzeller Spitzhauben), and Daizee (Buff Silkie).

When Angelo and I got them home they were snuggled down in their box, very docile.  I gently picked each of them up and they were calm as I put them into their new coop.  I think they like the coop - it's a small one, big enough for about four standard chickens but these little ladies have tons of room!  No one went out into the run yesterday though - Gherdie poked her head out the door several times and even went halfway down the ladder, but right back in she went.

At bedtime they were all snuggled up into a nesting box.  They had been on their roost earlier but I guess they must sleep on the floor?  I'm going to get more bedding today, if they're going to sleep on the floor I want to be sure it's extra deep and warm.

That's all for now :) .

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