MORINGA - for Life

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


When I first became a chicken mom I did not want a rooster.  I was under the impression they were ALL mean and would chase you and attack you.  I also was not interested in having random baby chicks.

December of 2012 I changed my mind.

I lost all but four of my flock to a freak dog attack.  That's another story. After that I started researching guardians for my - to be rebuilt - flock.  Everyone touts guardian dogs but
I was not going to traumatize my remaining four girls by bringing in a creature that had just murdered their sisters!  I considered a couple Llamas but these large animals were not something I had the time to devote to.

Tubbs is molting and prefers
not to have his photo taken!
After researching roosters for several months I found that they were not all alike - not every breed of rooster is mean.  Shame on me for stereotyping! With my 2013 Spring chicken order I also included a Salmon Faverolles Rooster. Tubbs is a great boy not mean at all - he's had some "mental health" issues but he's just fine and I love him to no end!  He's a story for another day as well.

What I really want to talk about is my "surprise rooster" Crockett!  Crockett is a Blue Splash Ameraucana who was supposed to have been a girl....surprise - "she" crowed!  

Crockett, like Tubbs, has been a wonderful boy so far.  He's very strong, attentive and intelligent.  I'd not really spent much time with the flock lately till the other night - it was warm and I sat out in the chicken yard waiting for everyone to go into the coop for the night.  As I sat there enjoying my birds, Crocket stood up on the herb & flower hill and let out a big crow!  Any of the girls who were not already up by the coop, came running and gathered in the general area.  They listened to him - that was cool!

Crockett - always in charge!
As it started getting darker the girls began going into the coop. Crockett had since given a couple more crows.  Now he was walking around the coop, and giving little squeek and click noises.  When all of the girls but four were inside, Crockett kept rounding them up till each had finally made their way into their house. Then up the ladder he went.  Everyone was safe inside.

WOW!  I never realized the rooster took such good care of his girls - even the older ladies listened to him.  That was AMAZING!

After that I really paid attention to how Tubbs was doing with his three girls (Crockett has 19).  Tubbs doesn't really care who gets into the house first at night - usually it's him, LOL!  But, he does pay attention to the smallest girl who gets picked on by the other two larger girls.  When the big girls seem to make trouble for the little one - Tubbs comes to her rescue.  Perfect.  He's doing a great job too :) .

Love my boys!

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