MORINGA - for Life

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Well, after I got the new chicks home I started thinking about it.....Partridge Rocks should not have feathered feet, I'm almost positive!  I was pretty sure because I was concerned about feathered feet getting mud caked after relentless Spring rains - ALSO, I was pretty sure the Cochins were broody and I didn't want to hatch eggs, just collect them.  So I did a little web surfing and, sure enough, I have Partridge Cochins!  Aren't they soooo cute?!?  (You probably already saw them in the previous slideshow. ;)

They were from a mix bin and I said, before I left the hatchery, "doesn't matter if
they're not Rocks, once I leave here I'm not returning them!"  What's meant to be is meant to be - and you don't return babies just because they're the "wrong ones" - I've adopted them, they're mine, I love them!

Since I've brought them home, several changes in thought have occurred.  My husband thinks it might be cool for the hens to hatch some eggs.  Ugh!!  Not what I planned when starting this two years ago - but, yeah, when I see pics of hens with baby chicks peeking out from under her feathers I think "yeah, that's sweet - I want that!"  WHICH, gave me more go ahead to buy a rooster I've been in love with - a Salmon Faverolles.

After the mass murder of 18 of my 22 big girls last December, by a loose neighbor dog, I always wonder if I'd have had a rooster might I have heard him alert me to the trouble?  I really thought long and hard about it and put the rooster on order - not sure if I was actually going to go through with it.  But after I wound up with the Cochins it just seemed like a sign.  So.....the adventure continues.

In June I will pick up 13 new chicks - including the baby rooster.  Stay tuned.

P.S.  Here's the Partridge Cochins today with lots of wing feathers and the start of tail feathers.  OH - and look at the foot on that one in front, the black stuff is her feet feathers! 

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