MORINGA - for Life

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


It’s been a while. 
Summer is always busy, though. 
I guess I’ll first catch you up with chickens – of course ;) . 

I had a heck of a time with the new chicks this year.  It was the first time I ever had more than 5 or 6 at once.  17 is a huge number when you’re growing them in your spare bathroom!  Out of the 17, five had some troubles.  One wouldn’t open his eyes – just ran around cheeping and being silly; one couldn’t stay awake for more than 15 seconds, her head would drop to the side and she was out; one has a toe permanently bent backward, one has a cross-beak; and one has a rare calcium deficiency that hindered her ability to walk.  Everyone is
fine now and functioning well on their own except for the one little girl, who likely will never walk.  It’s ok though – I keep working with her, stretching her legs, holding her to stand, and holding her for food and drink.  She’s a beautiful chicken with lots of energy, happy and healthy despite her handicap.

So here’s who we have:

Young Blue Splash Ameraucana
In that batch, we have 3 Columbian Wyandotte, 3 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 3 Barnevelder, 2 Blue Ameraucana, 2 Blue Splash Ameraucana, 1 Black Ameraucana, 1 Wheaten Ameraucana, 1  Blue Copper Marans, and 1 Salmon Faverolles Rooster. 

Three Year Old Welsummer
Then, out of the four original birds who survived the dog attack last December, there are still three – one of the Golden Buffs passed away this summer.  So there’s still 1 Golden Buff, 1 Rhode Island Red, and 1 Welsummer.  Love my big girls

Smaller of the five Cochins

And lastly, there are the five, surprise, Partridge Cochins from earlier this year (you might have seen in a previous blog entry that they were supposed to be Partridge ROCKS not Cochins)..  They are AWESOME!  They finally started laying a few weeks ago. I’m so glad for “happy mistakes”.   I would love to have more Cochins but what I really want are Standard Frizzle Cochins.  Google Frizzle Cochins and you’ll see how cool they are! ;)

Also, my buddy Steve and his sister, up in Montana were given a Barred Rock - which he was totally stoked about.  He went to work right away building her a coop from a garage.  Then he got three more girls (I told him they're addictive!).  Just got his first dozen eggs a few weeks back.  Very cool!

Oh, and an exciting thing for my friend, Heather - she was just gifted three random abandoned chickens!  Sad that these poor, young chickens were left to fend for themselves, but happy that they have a new mama who will take the best care of them.  Can’t wait to hear her stories and see pics as they grow J.  She also is a goat farmer, so, guess who’s going to be getting a goat or two or three or…..?  LOL – don’t worry, it won’t be anytime soon, maybe next year. ;)

The next exciting thing will be when the Ameraucanas start laying....BLUE eggs!! 

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