MORINGA - for Life

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Well, here I go again ~ attempting to "blog".  My last blog post was in January of last year!  New attempt, so new blog entirely.

What to expect: cats, chickens, plants, reviews, promotions, and random thoughts!  

I have an awesome husband, seven cats, and four chickens (18 were murdered
by a neighbor's dog last November) - starting new chicks in June.  I'm nearly two years young to chickens and I absolutely LOVE them!  They are free range organic, but not certified - kept strictly for egg eating/sales not for meat; pets with an income!!  There are other farm animals I'd like to have but that is still under consideration and research.

I work as a part-time secretary and aspiring entrepreneur.  I recently parted ways with the best direct sales company I've ever encountered and am happily pursuing my dreams, without the hassle.

Coolest thing about today: there were Starlings in the tree outside the windows to the east.  Every February there they are, letting me know Spring is VERY near!

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